StartseiteLänderAsienAsien: Weitere arabische Länder (Libanon, Syrien, Jemen und Golfstaaten)The XXII ISPIM Conference – Sustainability in Innovation: Innovation Management Challenges

The XXII ISPIM Conference – Sustainability in Innovation: Innovation Management Challenges

Zeitraum: 12.06.2011 - 15.06.2011 Ort: Hamburg Land: Deutschland

The XXII ISPIM Conference – Sustainability in Innovation: Innovation Management Challenges - will be held in Hamburg, Germany on 12-15 June 2011. Organised by ISPIM and hosted by The Technical University of Hamburg, this conference will bring together innovation management professionals from research, industry and intermediary organisations. The conference format will include facilitated themed sessions for academic and practitioner presentations together with discussion panels and workshops. Additionally, the conference will provide excellent networking opportunities together with a taste of local culture.

Conference Themes:

  • Collaboration for innovation (incl. Open Innovation)
  • Culture & team management in innovation
  • Entrepreneurship, venturing, business models &financing innovation
  • Innovation training & education
  • Methods and tools for innovation
  • Networks and clusters of innovation
  • Organisational creativity & idea generation
  • Sustainability in Innovation(Conference Focus Theme)

The Conference Focus Theme includes topics such as: sustainable public sector innovation; regional and EU-level innovation policy and initiatives; sustainable value chains; innovation in regulatory frameworks; social entrepreneurship for sustainability; learning from and with 'bottom of pyramid' markets; business models to exploit sustainable innovation opportunities; skills, partnerships, technology and incentive systems for sustainability in innovation management.

Adresse: Veranstaltungsort: Hamburg Deutschland Quelle: Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: EU Deutschland Themen: Infrastruktur Innovation
