Webinar zur internationalen Studierendenmobilität

Zeitraum: 12.04.2017 Ort: online Land: online

Following the political and economic changes in 2016, the UK and the US are set on a path to creating more barriers to attracting and retaining international students by. The two largest source countries of international students – China and India – experienced economic changes that decelerated the ambitions and ability of students to go abroad. The slowdown in economies will make some students more concerned about recovering the cost of education.

This global online discussion (webinar) organized by University World Press, DrEducation and StudyPortals will bring together a panel of global experts to examine how they are adapting institutional strategies in a new environment. What are the strategic options institutions are considering in response to this turbulence? The discussion will highlight diverse perspectives to inform international enrolment strategies.

Quelle: University World News / DrEducation / StudyPortals Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Global Themen: Bildung und Hochschulen

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