The 3rd World Congress on Agroforestry "Trees for Life: Accelerating the Impacts of Agroforestry" will be held in Delhi 10 – 14 February 2014, co-hosted by the World Agroforestry Centre and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research.
The Congress has a number of themes. The first day features presentations on Indian topics related to agroforestry. The second part deals with business and agroforestry, third is a consideration of development and agroforestry, and fourth is a review of scientific breakthroughs and innovation. The final day looks at the integration of science, business and development, with keynote speakers and a panel discussion, and a plenary discussion of the outcomes. The full list of themes is:
- Agroforestry systems, income and environmental benefits
- Climate change, multi-functionality, livestock and fish systems
(These two with an orientation towards India) - The business of agroforestry: applying science
- Sustaining development through agroforestry
- Applying science to the future of agroforestry: breakthroughs and innovation
- Policy, innovation and global issues.
The agenda is structured to generate outputs that produce a global roadmap for agroforestry in the context of world development and create a deliberate and tangible legacy in terms of recognition, partnership, investment and impact.