StartseiteLänderAsienAsien: Weitere arabische Länder (Libanon, Syrien, Jemen und Golfstaaten)Workshop zum Zulassungsverfahren unter der Europäischen Chemikalienverordnung REACH

Workshop zum Zulassungsverfahren unter der Europäischen Chemikalienverordnung REACH

Zeitraum: 17.11.2015 Ort: Brüssel Land: Belgien

Workshop on 'Streamlining applications for authorisation'

Follow-up workshop on the 'Lessons Learned' conference on applications for authorisation, held in Helsinki on 10-11 February 2015.

The aim of this workshop is to further improve the functioning of the authorisation process under the REACH Regulation by focusing on two aspects: how to make 'fit-for-purpose' applications in general and how to fulfil the information requirements for 'upstream' applications.

Participation is sought from stakeholders in industry and civil society. Representatives from the Member State competent authorities; the European Chemical Agency, including members of its scientific committees RAC and SEAC; and the European Commission will also participate.

Web-streaming and presentations

The workshop will be web-streamed live and the presentations will be made available after the workshop. The link to the streaming will be available from this page, close to the date.


If you would like to attend this workshop, please click on 'Register' and indicate your own/individual e-mail address in the box opening. For a first time registration, an individual user account will be created, based on the e-mail address provided. The workshop will be web-streamed live and by registering for the workshop, participants give their consent to appear on the web.

Please register latest on 16 October 2015. After registration, please await the final confirmation of your participation from the Commission (after 16 October). As places are limited, early registration is strongly recommended. You are advised not to make any travel arrangements prior to the receipt of the confirmation of participation.


Albert Borschette Conference Centre
Rue Froissart 36 - 1040 Brussels

Quelle: Europäische Kommission - Veranstaltungen Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: EU Belgien Themen: Engineering und Produktion Physik. u. chem. Techn.
