On 16-17 April 2015, the TCI Oceanian Chapter organizes the second Australasian Cluster Conference on the theme of "Linking Cluster Globally: the Heightened Role of Clusters in Global Value Chains". Don’t miss this premier opportunity to hear the newest thinking and strategies from both international and Australasian experts.
The internationalisation of regional economies is becoming critical for sustainable economic futures. No matter how small a region, niches in international markets can be found and exploited. Economic developers today must uncover the 'local buzz' in their regional
economies and assist companies to plug into global pipelines.
There will be two ½ day workshops at the Aerial Conference Centre UTS by two TCI members [one by Rodin Genoff, and the other by Ifor Ffowcs-Williams] followed by a Cocktail Party/Reception to be held at the new Gehry Building [UTS Business School] with a keynote speaker. The One day Conference will be held at the Aerial Conference Centre.
Following opening addresses by Christian Ketels, TCI President (by video) and Roy Green, Dean UTS Business School, the conference will look at Five Sectors. Each sector will have a keynote speaker who will address the topic and relate their sector to their value chain and mention particularly the issues of participating in GVCs. A panel of three from the sector will then make some additional comments and discussion will be opened for delegates. At least two international speakers will join the event.
The sectors are Health, Creative Industries, Food, Advanced Manufacturing and Disaster Resilience & Recovery [DRR]. In Health we are specifically looking at technology that assists the aged and disabled. In DRR with increasing numbers of natural disasters we are looking at how clusters can assist the recovery process in a more cost effective way.
Have a look a the Conference Brochure including the programme and logistical details.