StartseiteLänderAsienAsien: Weitere arabische Länder (Libanon, Syrien, Jemen und Golfstaaten)Zweites Internationales Symposium zu "Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering" (MMPE)

Zweites Internationales Symposium zu "Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering" (MMPE)

Zeitraum: 24.09.2014 - 27.09.2014 Ort: Hamburg Land: Deutschland

The 2nd international symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE) will be held in Hamburg/Germany on September 24.-27.2014, in continuation of the successful 1st conference that was held in Kanazawa, Japan on 4-7 October 2011 with more than 115 participants from Japan, Germany and other countries. Within the last decade a remarkable progress has been made in nanotechnology, micro process engineering, numerical simulation and measurement techniques that provides a deep insight into an undiscovered world of multiscale phenomena.

To discuss the tremendous effects of multiscale phenomena in multiphase process engineering researchers from all over the world are invited to participate. The symposium invites submission of abstracts describing original works on modern nano-, micro- and macro-scale aspects of multiphase process engineering and related topics. The papers have to contain information on research rationale, methodology, results and major conclusions. Applied papers from Industries engaged in multiscale phenomena in multiphase process especially addressed to draw strong scientific needs are welcome. The MMPE conceives to organize unique and tight network among participants, which potentially leads to international research projects on a challenging and rewarding issue.

Participants from every country and with a wide range of academic and professional backgrounds are welcome. Especially young scientists and students will be welcome.

Main topics of this international conference are multiscale multiphase process engineering involving bubble, drop and particle dispersion systems related to

  • Fundamentals including hydrodynamics and mass and heat transfer properties,
  • Advanced measurement and experimental techniques,
  • Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and simulation,
  • Micro- and nano-dispersion systems, microreactors and nanotechnology,
  • Multiphase reaction, catalytic reaction engineering and bioreactors,
  • Multiphase flow aspects of bubble columns, extraction columns, loop reactors, fluidized beds, and so on.
  • Applications including innovative reactor design, novel reactor configurations and advanced energy and environmental systems etc.


Dr.-Ing. Marko Hoffmann
Hamburg University of Technology
E-Mail: marko.hoffmann(at) 

Dipl.-Ing. Melanie Bothe
Hamburg University of Technology
E-Mail: melanie.bothe(at) 

Nina Weingaertner
E-Mail: weingaertner(at)

Quelle: VDI / ProcessNet Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Global Deutschland Themen: Engineering und Produktion Physik. u. chem. Techn.
