StartseiteLänderAsienChinaChina: CAMS – Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

China: CAMS – Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

Forschungseinrichtungen und -infrastruktur Hochschulen

Founded in 1917, the Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) was the first medical university in China offering an eight-year curriculum leading to an M.D. degree. Its sister institution, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS), founded in 1956, is a leading multidisciplinary medical research institution. CAMS and PUMC were merged in 1957 and are interdependent and complementary, providing mutual benefits in medical education and research. Together, CAMS and PUMC run 18 institutes, 6 hospitals, and 7 schools.

Quelle: Webseite Redaktion: von Sonja Bugdahn, DLR Projektträger Länder / Organisationen: China Themen: Bildung und Hochschulen Lebenswissenschaften

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