StartseiteLänderAsienVietnamDFG - NAFOSTED: Förderung vietnamesisch-deutscher Zusammenarbeit in gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekten

DFG - NAFOSTED: Förderung vietnamesisch-deutscher Zusammenarbeit in gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekten

Stichtag: 18.12.2024 Programmausschreibungen

Die vietnamesische Nationale Stiftung für die Entwicklung von Wissenschaft und Technologie (NAFOSTED) und die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) rufen gemeinsam zur Einreichung von Vorschlägen für gemeinsame Forschungsprojekte in allen Bereichen der Wissenschaft auf.

This initiative aims to bring together relevant and competitive researchers from Germany and Vietnam to design and carry out collaborative research projects. Funds to be used by the Vietnamese side must be requested from NAFOSTED; funds to be used by the German side must be requested from DFG. Special attention is given to the integrated character of proposed projects, from the concept to the work plan. Funding is only available for projects which involve a convincing collaboration between the German and Vietnamese partners and for which the anticipated research benefit is clearly outlined. The collaborative projects selected will receive research funding for a period of up to three years.

Proposals must be submitted to both organizations in accordance with the proposal preparation requirements of both sides, respectively. Applicants to be funded by the DFG are requested to fulfil the eligibility requirements of DFG Research Grants. Applicants from Vietnam are required to fulfil all requirements for funding and follow the general regulations of NAFOSTED. 

The submission deadline on Vietnamese side will be 18.12.2024. On the German side proposals need to be submitted in parallel. All proposals will be reviewed by both organizations separately. The results of the review process will be shared between the agencies. Support will be granted for those proposals where both, DFG and NAFOSTED, recommend funding.

Quelle: DFG Redaktion: von Julia Arning, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Vietnam Themen: Förderung

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