StartseiteLänderEuropaEuropa: Weitere LänderERA-Chemistry announces the 2011 “Open Initiative”

ERA-Chemistry announces the 2011 “Open Initiative”

Stichtag: 08.02.2011 Programmausschreibungen

ERA-Chemistry is pleased to announce the 2011 “Open Initiative” to fund transnational collaborative projects in the broad field of curiosity-driven chemical research.  

ERA-Chemistry is a consortium of eleven research funding organisations from ten European countries with the goal to develop and implement joint bottom-up European funding programmes. After two thematic calls in 2005 and 2007, since 2008 the “Open Initiative” aims now at stimulating excellence in chemical research through competition and cooperation without any thematic restriction. Three of the ERA-Chemistry partners participate in this year’s “Open Initiative”. It is planned to issue this call each year in January.  

Chemists who are eligible to apply for financial support from any of the participating funding organisations are cordially invited to apply jointly within a chemistry-related subject. A list of the respective organisations including contact details is given below. Joint projects of two applicants located in two different countries or three applicants located in three different countries must comprise novel and ambitious ideas in curiosity-driven chemistry. The scientific level of the projects should be high in international comparison. Although the scientific quality of the proposals is the decisive criterion, joint projects must also demonstrate a clear added value to the applicants’ cooperation over and above what could be achieved individually.  

There will be a two-stage procedure involving pre-proposals and full proposals. All pre-proposals must be submitted via the electronic application system for this call not later than 8 February 2011. All proposals will be subject of a joint peer-review and a joint decision process of the funding organisations involved. Successful applicants from the pre-proposal stage will be invited to submit their comprehensive, more detailed full proposals not later than 22 July 2011.  

Each applicant may request funding for individual grants according to national rules and national general conditions. For further details please contact your participating funding organisation. Joint projects will be funded for three years starting not later than spring 2012.  

Guidelines for applicants, guidelines for reviewers and the instructions for the electronic application system are provided on as well as on the websites of the participating funding organisations.  

Further information  

More information and the guidelines for applicants are available on the ERA-Chemistry website: 

Additional requirements for the German applicants: The eligibility requirements in form 1.02e (page 3; ”I. Eligibility Requirements”) will apply; please note the special requirements for non-university research institutions. The guideline “Research Grants – General Information and Guidelines for Proposals (1.02e)” can be found at:

Costs for scientific instrumentation must not exceed €50,000 (including VAT and delivery). The total budget of the German applicant should be below €300,000 (excluding indirect costs) for three years.    

Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF)
Dr. Bettina Löscher
E-Mail: opencall-at(at)

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e.V. (DFG)
Dr. Kathrin Winkler
E-Mail: opencall-de(at)

Hungary :
Országos Tudományos Kutatási Alapprogramok (OTKA)
Dr. Árvácska Sárpátki
E-Mail: opencall-hu(at)

For questions relating to the online application system:
ERA-Chemistry Call Secretariat: OTKA, Hungary
Paula Sarpatki
E-Mail: opencall-secr(at)

Quelle: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Österreich Deutschland Ungarn Themen: Physik. u. chem. Techn. Förderung

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