Who can apply?
- Individuals and groups representing: small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs), including one-man businesses, with special focus on creative and innovative industries
- business incubators at universities, colleges, institutions etc.
- government officials in public authorities working on business framework conditions
- representatives of business organisations.
NB! Activities supported by the programme require participation of minimum three NB8 countries, of these at least one Nordic and one Baltic.
Eligible forms of activity
- Network and cluster facilitating activities, such as seminars and workshops
- Study visits
- Internships
- On the job-training
The application round is open until 31 March 2010.
All information available on the website of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Latvia: http://www.norden.lv/en/mainwww.norden.lv/en/main <//a>(under “Grant Programs”).
* The programme covers up to 70% of the costs related to travel, accommodation and networkactivities.