StartseiteLänderEuropaEuropa: Weitere LänderSpotlight on vocational education and training

Spotlight on vocational education and training

Students, politicians, researchers and practitioners have met for three days discussing the future of vocational education and training in Denmark.

The who’s who of the Danish education sector have this week met in Sorø for the annual traditional meeting where a current topic is put under the spotlight for three days.

Skilled workers are in many ways the spine of the economy.
This year focus turns to vocational education and training – an area that needs strengthening in terms of completion rates and general reputation.

“Skilled workers are in many ways the spine of the economy and often highlighted by the OECD and others as one of Denmark’s strong points. These workers must be equipped to translate knowledge into productivity and thereby maintain our competitiveness and earnings,”said Minister for Education, Troels Lund Poulsen, in his opening speech.

The Minister also expressed his concern that strong students opt out of vocational education and training because the programmes suffer from a negative reputation.

“It is my ambition to make these programmes a highway to relevant jobs or further education for both strong and lesser strong young people with the desire and courage to move in that direction,” said Troels Lund Poulsen.

Quelle: Bildungsministerium Dänemark Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Dänemark Themen: Bildung und Hochschulen

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