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Weltklasse-Braumeister-Programm in Dänemark

Englischsprachiger Artikel über ein Braumeister-Programm, das die Scandinavian School of Brewing (SSB) und die Faculty of Life Sciences (LIFE) der Universität Kopenhagen gemeinsam anbieten.

The Scandinavian School of Brewing (SSB) and the Faculty of Life Sciences (LIFE) at the University of Copenhagen are offering a joint master brewer programme. As a brand new initiative, university students can become master brewers by completing a six-month internship at a brewery combined with specialisation in brewing science and technology.

“We have joined forces to create a world-class master brewer programme. We are already a school and an industry with centuries of proud traditions. The world’s fourth largest brewery is Danish, and Denmark is the country in the world with the most breweries per capita. We want to see this positive trend continue. That’s why we have decided to work with LIFE to create the master brewer programme of the future,” says Axel G. Kristiansen, Director of SSB.

Together with the highly recognised master brewer diploma, graduates can now obtain an MSc in Food Science & Technology with a specialisation in brewing science and technology.

“This will give students an even stronger scientific understanding of the methods and processes that determine the flavour, quality and shelf life of beer,” explains Henrik Siegumfeldt, Director of Studies and Associate Professor at LIFE. “The joint master brewer partnership is an excellent example of the opportunities to be gained from expanding collaboration between the public education system and the business community. We expect a lot from this initiative, which is a first step towards closer collaboration between the University of Copenhagen and the Scandinavian breweries within both research and education,” says Per Holten-Andersen, Dean of LIFE.

Two in one
The programme will be in English and will give the new master brewers two titles: Diploma Master Brewer and MSc in Food Science & Technology with a specialisation in Brewing Science and Technology. The goal is for 15 master brewers to graduate from the new joint programme every year. The first students will be starting their internships at breweries throughout Denmark in January, while their first day in the classroom will be 1 September 2011.

Since 1925, the Scandinavian School of Brewing has trained 685 master brewers for breweries in Denmark and throughout the world. Many executives at the major breweries have graduated from SSB, while a number of the Danish microbreweries have been founded or are run by master brewer graduates from SSB. Students with a dream of becoming a master brewer can find more information on the programme at or

Read more about LIFE - Faculty of Life Sciences at University of Copenhagen in English at or in German at

Scandinavian School of Brewing
Axel G. Kristiansen, Direktor
Tel.: +45 7216 - 2402

Faculty of Life Sciences (LIFE)
Per Holten Andersen, Dean
Tel.: +45 3533 - 2000

Quelle: University of Copenhagen - Faculty of Life Sciences Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Dänemark Themen: Netzwerke

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