On Friday, May 21st 2010 BAYHOST is hosting the second Donauforum at the University of Regensburg. This time the Donauforum will be a congress for and by careers services from universities of the Danube countries and their neighbours.
What efforts are made by the universities in the Danube region in order to prepare their students for their professional career and to improve their chances of entering a profession that stands in correlation to their academic qualification? How can they support one another in improving these services? Those are the questions the Donauforum 2010 will be dealing with.
With the Donauforum 2010 we hope to provide career services and other practically oriented initiatives at universities in the Danube region with the possibility for exchange and new impulses from the success stories of other participants. We aim to achieve a stronger international cooperation of the career services so that more students can have the opportunity of an internship abroad. The Donauforum is also intended to initiate the increasing establishment of career services at universities of the Danube region.