Links & Institutionen: Finnland
Hier finden Sie Informationen zu Einrichtungen aus Deutschland und Finnland, die Kooperationen in den Bereichen Bildung, Forschung und Innovation unterstützen und fördern.
Finnland: VTT - Technical Research Centre
Das VTT bietet Unternehmen, Institutionen und öffentlichen Einrichtungen eine Fülle von Dienstleistungen im Technologiebereich und in der angewandten Forschung an.
NordForsk was established in 2005 by the Nordic Council of Ministers for the purpose of strengthening Nordic research. NordForsk’s key stakeholders comprise the national research councils, universities and other research-funding bodies. Together they…
Finnland: Business Finland (vormals TEKES Nationale Technologieagentur)
Business Finland is the Finnish innovation funding, trade, investment, and travel promotion organization, headquartered in Helsinki. Business Finland is fully owned by the Finnish Government.
Business Finland was created in 2018 through a merger of…
Finnland: Sitra - Finnish Innovation Fund
Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund is an independent public fund which under the supervision of the Finnish Parliament promotes the welfare of Finnish society. Sitra’s responsibilities have been stipulated in law.
Since its establishment, Sitra’s…
Finnland: Technology Industries of Finland
Technology Industries of Finland is the lobbying organisation for technology industry companies. The technology industry makes up 50 percent of Finnish exports and 80 percent of research and development investment in the private sector. The sector…
Finnland: TIEKE - Finnish Information Society Development Center
TIEKE Finnish Information Society Development Centre has a key networking role as a neutral and non-profit organisation in promoting the efforts of its members, within the public and private sectors alike, with an ultimate goal to create viable tools…
Finnland: Research and Innovation Council
The Research and Innovation Council is an advisory body chaired by the Prime Minister. The Council discusses key issues relating to the development of research and innovation policy that supports the wellbeing, growth and competitiveness.
Finnland: EDUFI – Finnish National Agency for Education
The Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) operates under the Ministry of Education and Culture. It is responsible for developing education and training, early childhood education and care and lifelong learning, as well as for promoting…
Finnland: FINEEC - Finnish Education Evaluation Centre
The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) is an independent government agency responsible for the evaluation of education. It carries out evaluations related to education including the operations of education providers from early childhood…