StartseiteLänderEuropaFrankreichANR-DFG NLE 2018: Deutsch-französische Ausschreibung zur Förderung bilateraler Kooperationen in den Natur-, Lebens- und Ingenieurswissenschaften

ANR-DFG NLE 2018: Deutsch-französische Ausschreibung zur Förderung bilateraler Kooperationen in den Natur-, Lebens- und Ingenieurswissenschaften

Stichtag: DFG 10. Januar 2018; ANR 11. Januar 2018 Programmausschreibungen

Die französische Förderagentur Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) und die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) haben eine gemeinsame Ausschreibung für die Förderung bilateraler Kooperationen in den Natur-, Lebens- und Ingenieurswissenschaften herausgegeben. Einreichungsfrist für Projektvorschläge ist der 10. bzw. 11. Januar 2018.

ANR-DFG Cooperation 2018 in Natural, Life and Engineering Sciences

The French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; German Research Foundation) have agreed to continue opening yearly calls for French-German projects in the Natural, Life and Engineering Sciences.

The responsibility for the administrative treatment and for the review process for proposals submitting under these calls is alternating yearly between ANR and DFG.

Proposals in social science and humanities have to be submitted in the dedicated ANR-DFG call in Social Sciences and Humanities (with separate deadlines), including transdisciplinary projects when they propose an approach mainly centered on social science and humanities, and/or when the Principal Investigator is one from the Social Sciences/Humanities.

Call ANR-DFG NLE 2018

For the 2018 edition of these joint calls, DFG will act as the ‘lead agency’, i. e., proposals have first to be submitted to DFG.

Full proposals for joint bilateral research projects in Natural Sciences, Life Sciences, and Engineering Sciences – with exception of Space Technology, Nuclear Research and Defense – can be submitted electronically via DFG’s elan portal starting 13 November 2017 and at latest on 10 January 2018.

The French partners are asked to send a copy of the proposal and an on-line form with the financial and administrative data to ANR. ANR’s deadline is 11 January 2018 at 1 p. m. Further information can be found on the ANR Website.

Please note:

  • Proposals need to be submitted in English, based on the template: Template for Applicants
  • The respective eligibility rules of ANR and DFG apply to the French and German applicants of a joint proposal.
  • Commercial partners cannot be involved in joint ANR-DFG projects.
  • The duration of the projects can be up to three years.
  • Assessment of all applications will be made by the DFG according to its rules for the individual research grants programme within the regular competition.
  • In case of approval, the research projects will be funded by each partner organisation. Funding will be granted from the regular budgets of ANR and DFG.
  • Decisions can be expected in October 2018. Start of funding is foreseen for beginning of 2019.
Quelle: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Frankreich Themen: Förderung Lebenswissenschaften Engineering und Produktion

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