StartseiteLänderEuropaFrankreichSummer School: Faktor Mensch im Kooperativen System Design

Summer School: Faktor Mensch im Kooperativen System Design

Stichtag: 16.06.2017 Sonstige Ausschreibungen

Die von Mines Paris Tech, EURECOM und der TU München vom 24. bis 26. Juli in Sophia-Antipolis organisierte Summer School, zielt darauf ab den Austausch junger Wissenschaftler und Doktoranden über wissenschaftliche Ansätze, Methoden und Folgen von kooperativer Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion, kooperativer Kommunikation und kooperativer Robotik in ihren übergreifenden Aspekten zu fördern.

Technological progress increasingly allows automated and cooperating systems. Cooperation and automation make a paradigm shift in the driver-vehicle interaction and also in the human-robot interaction. From the perspective of the ergonomics, these are great potentials that will be discussed among the concepts mobility 4.0 and industry 4.0. However, the new distribution of roles between man and technology requires new approaches in the human-machine interaction, safety, comfort and efficiency in socio-technical systems to increase or maintain it. Approaches for technical frameworks, interaction concepts, evaluation methods and metrics in the areas of robotics, automated vehicles and machinery will be discussed.  

Future vehicles will be able to perform complex manoeuvers independently, and also in cooperation with the drivers and neighbouring vehicles. A similar development takes place in the field of cooperative robotics. The dilemma between safety and efficiency must be resolved for almost all applications. The user should be as well informed and motivated, looking ahead to save energy and avoid dangerous situations. In these highly cooperative cases the user must be not overwhelmed, the machine should not patronize the user, and instead increase the pleasure of interaction.  

Participants of this Summer School will:

  • gather a better understanding of the critical interactions between Humans and Machines,
  • acquire solid knowledge on cooperative communication and robotics and their interactions,
  • get inter-disciplinary experience in challenges behind the future Industry 4.0.   

The Summer School is open for poster submissions in the following domains (but not limited to):

  • Distributed network and Systems
  • Cooperative Systems
  • Vehicular Communication
  • Cooperative Intelligent Transport System
  • Automated systems
  • Autonomous driving
  • Human factor
  • Human Machine Interface
  • Human robot cooperation
  • Human robot coexistence
  • Emotional Computing
  • Machine Intelligence
  • Secured Cooperative system
  • Industry 4.0
  • Internet-of-Things  

The Summer School will take place on EURECOM campus in Sophia-Antipolis (, France, between July 24th and July 26th, 2017.  

It will be organized under the umbrella of the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future between TU München, Institut Mines Télécom and EURECOM (AFA), and co-funded by the Franco-German University.  

Posters should be formatted according to a A1 'portrait' format (i.e. vertical orientation). Each accepted participant will be able to present his poster during the poster sessions, as well as in a Poster Pitch during the Plenary Summer School sessions.  

Posters may be submitted until June 16th 2017 on our submission link.

The Summer School costs a non-refundable registration fee of 100 euros. The fee includes:

  • Accommodation in typical college housing (private room with shower)
  • Full board
  • Transfers from/to the airport of Nice and the Summer School location
  • Social Event
  • All Summer School lectures, poster sessions and proceedings  

Expert Speakers will be announced soon on the Summer School Website.

Quelle: French German Academy for the Industry of the Future Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Frankreich Deutschland Themen: Bildung und Hochschulen Engineering und Produktion Innovation
