Links & Institutionen: Niederlande
Hier finden Sie Informationen zu Einrichtungen aus Deutschland und den Niederlanden, die Kooperationen in den Bereichen Bildung, Forschung und Innovation unterstützen und fördern.
DESERTEC Foundation
The DESERTEC Foundation is a global civil society initiative aiming to shape a sustainable future. It was established on 20 January 2009 as a non-profit foundation that grew out of a network of scientists, politicians and economists from around the…
Niederlande: VSNU - Association of Universities in the Netherlands
The VSNU represents the shared interests of the fourteen research universities in the Netherlands in the fields of research, education, knowledge transfer, funding, personnel policy and international affairs.
Niederlande: HBO - Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences
37 Universities of Applied Sciences are affiliated to the Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (Vereniging Hogescholen). Together these 37 Universities of Applied Sciences (List) have over 41,000 employees and over 445,000…
Niederlande: ZonMw - Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
ZonMw funds health research and stimulates use of the knowledgedeveloped to help improve health and healthcare in the Netherlands.
ZonMw’s main commissioning organisations are the Ministry of Health,Welfare and Sport and the Netherlands Organisation…
Niederlande: Rathenau Institute
The Rathenau Instituut carries out research at the interface of science, technology and society. The Rathenau Instituut’s basic funding is provided by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (and disbursed by the Royal Netherlands Academy of…
Niederlande: TNO - Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
TNO, the Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research, was founded by law in 1932 to enable business and government to apply knowledge. As an organisation regulated by public law, TNO is independent: not part of any government, university…
Niederlande: NLR - Netherlands Aerospace Centre
The National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR) conducts applied research on behalf of the aviation and aerospace sectors. The NLR is a Dutch organisation that identifies, develops and applies high-tech knowledge in the aerospace sector. The NLR’s activities…
Niederlande: SRON - Netherlands Institute for Space Research
SRON’s mission is to bring about breakthroughs in international space research Therefore the institute develops pioneering technology and advanced space instruments, and uses them to pursue fundamental astrophysical research, Earth science and…
Niederlande: AWTI - Advisory Council for Science, Technology and Innovation
The Advisory Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (Adviesraad voor wetenschap, technologie en innovatie - AWTI) advises the Dutch government and parliament on policy in the areas of scientific research, technological development and…