StartseiteLänderEuropaPolenThe Copernicus Award – Opening Call for the Fourth Edition

The Copernicus Award – Opening Call for the Fourth Edition

Stichtag: 31.07.2011 Programmausschreibungen

The Copernicus Award is a joint initiative of the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). The purpose of the award is to give a distinction to the researchers most active in Polish-German scientific cooperation who have made exceptional research achievements as a result of that cooperation, in particular for promoting young researchers.  

The prize money of €100,000 is donated in equal shares by the DFG and the FNP. The award is divided equally among the recipients who may use the money for any scientific purpose that is within the scope of the funding programmes of both organisations. Funds should be used to further advance research cooperation or the promotion of young researchers. The prize is conferred every two years, while the award ceremony takes place once in Germany and once in Poland. The prizewinners of the current edition of the programme shall be announced by spring 2012.  

Eligible candidates are academics who have at least a doctoral degree, are aged under 65, work at a Polish or German academic institution, and at the time of the making of the award are engaged in a Polish-German scientific project. The award is granted on the basis of a competition and the contest embraces all fields of science.  

FNP and DFG also announce an open invitation to members of the Polish and German academic community to participate in the nomination process for the fourth edition of Polish-German scientific prize – The Copernicus Award. Only researchers who have at least a doctoral degree and are currently working at universities and/or research institutions in Germany and/or Poland are eligible to nominate candidates.  

The deadline for submission of nominations for the 2012 Copernicus Award is 31 July 2011. Nominations shall be submitted electronically. The FNP office has prepared and made available an online form in order to collect its nominations.    

Further information  

For more information please visit the website: with the nomination form

Tomasz Poprawka
Tel.: +48 22 - 845 - 9542
E-Mail: tomasz.poprawka(at)

Philip Thelen
Tel.: +49 228 - 885 - 2663
E-Mail: philip.thelen(at)

Quelle: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Deutschland Polen Themen: Förderung

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