StartseiteLänderEuropaPolenPolen erhöht Staatsausgaben für Bildung und Wissenschaft

Polen erhöht Staatsausgaben für Bildung und Wissenschaft

Die polnische Regierung hat eine Erhöhung des Budgets für Wissenschaft und Bildung für das kommende Jahr bekanntgegeben. Die Ausgaben im Bereich Wissenschaft sollen um mehr als 10%, etwa 690 Mio. Zloty (ca. 164 Mio. Euro), steigen. Auch das Budget für Hochschulen wurde im Vergleich zu 2014 um 6% erhöht und steigt um 900 Mio Zloty (ca. 214 Mio. Euro). Zudem wird innerhalb der polnischen Regierung über eine Erhöhung der Fördergelder für FuE von Staatsbetrieben verhandelt.

More money for science!

The government has significantly increased the budget for science. 'In 2015, the expenditures will be risen by as much as 690 million zlotys. This is over 10 percent more than this year. We were given a chance to make a great leap forward', announced Professor Lena Kolarska-Bobińska, the Minister of Science and Higher Education.

Furthermore, state spending on universities will grow by approximately 900 million zlotys (6 percent). On Wednesday, the government completed its work on the budget for 2015. 'Science is a priority in next year's budget. I am truly pleased about it because we managed to achieve a more than 10-percent increase in funding, which gives academic institutions and scientific research centres an opportunity to conduct better, more innovative research', said Professor Lena Kolarska-Bobińska.

Thanks to her efforts, national expenditures on education in 2015 will amount to 7 billion 438 million zlotys, which is 690 million zlotys (10.2 percent) more compared with 2014.

'State spending on research will clearly rise in relation to GDP, from 0.39 percent this year to 0.42 percent next year', emphasized the Minister. 'We are waiting for the latest report of the Central Statistical Office on private sector outlay on research and development. According to our forecasts, the last year's upward trend will continue, which means that overall expenditures on research in Poland will approach 1 percent of GDP. It will undoubtedly allow the fulfilment of governmental promises; and as early as 2020 the outlay on research, development and innovation in Poland will amount to 1.7 percent of GDP. We have taken on such obligations to the European Union and we are consistently fulfilling them', said Minister Kolarska-Bobińska.

Additionally, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education has entered into negotiations with the Ministry of the Treasury on the possibility of increasing expenditures on R&D by companies owned by the State Treasury. The Ministry of Science also consults with the Ministry of Defence on the need to put more resources into research on the country’s defences since defence related inventions often apply in other areas and sectors.

In 2015, national spending on higher education will boost as well. According to the draft budget, 14 billion 954 million zlotys (16 billion 11 million zlotys including funds from the specific purpose reserves) will be spent on such expenditures. It is 900 million zlotys (6 percent) more in comparison with 2014. 1 billion 40 million zlotys is allocated for the third stage of pay increases for academic staff.

Quelle: Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Polen Themen: Bildung und Hochschulen Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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