StartseiteLänderEuropaTschechische RepublikCool Silicon: Prozessüberwachungs- und Fehleranalyselösungen für energieeffiziente Bauelemente und Produkte der Mikroelektronik – Teilvorhaben B

Cool Silicon: Prozessüberwachungs- und Fehleranalyselösungen für energieeffiziente Bauelemente und Produkte der Mikroelektronik – Teilvorhaben B

Laufzeit: 01.07.2019 - 31.10.2022 Förderkennzeichen: 03INT610BB
Koordinator: AXO DRESDEN GmbH

The objective of the proposed collaborative project is a new subject of research and development at the respective clusters/organizations both on the German as well as on the Czech side. Ideas along the major direction of the described plans, i.e. mainly an interweaving of advanced X-ray and electron inspection techniques, have been discussed for a few years, but without starting a funded project. Therefore, the unique opportunity of performing such an ambitious project is supposed to be used through the internationalization plans of Cool Silicon e. V. The project has two objectives. The first objective is to develop an advanced nano X-ray computer tomography inspection system (AXT) with a world-class spatial resolution of less than 100 nm and applications in microelectronics. The X-ray photon energy will be high enough to overcome sample preparation issues of currently available commercial systems. A complete instrument will be built-up and used for application tests within three years. It will make use of a novel scintillation detector and X-ray camera system that will be prepared within the project by Crytur. The second objective encompasses development of correlative methods for tomographic analysis of structures. In particular, workflow integration and evaluation of materials and structures in microelectronics will be the key topic. The project will promote collaboration among partners. The result enables the creation of a tomographic system (AXT) and methods for defect inspection in microelectronic components.

Verbund: Cool_PROMO - Process Monitoring and Failure Analysis Solutions for Energy-Efficient Devises and Produkts in Microelectronics Quelle: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) Redaktion: DLR Projektträger Länder / Organisationen: Tschechische Republik Themen: Förderung Innovation

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