StartseiteLänderEuropaVereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien)Vierte Ausschreibung: ORA – Offener Forschungsbereich für die Sozialwissenschaften

Vierte Ausschreibung: ORA – Offener Forschungsbereich für die Sozialwissenschaften

Stichtag: 15.01.2015 Programmausschreibungen

Zur internationalen Vernetzung der Sozialwissenschaften haben Fördergesellschaften aus Frankreich, Deutschland, Großbritannien und den Niederlanden zum vierten Mal eine gemeinsame Ausschreibung veröffentlicht. Gefördert werden Projekte aus allen Bereichen der Sozialwissenschaft, an denen mindestens zwei der teilnehmenden Staaten beteiligt sind. Desweiteren besteht die Möglichkeit zur Kooperation mit Japan.

ORA – Open Research Area for the Social Sciences - 4th Call for Proposals

The ORA is an agreement between the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, France), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation, Germany), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC, UK) and the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO, Netherlands).

In order to strengthen international co-operation in the field of social sciences, wishing to fund high quality scientific research within their own countries, and conscious that some of the best research can be delivered by working with the best researchers internationally, ANR, DFG, ESRC and NWO are launching a fourth common call for proposals in order to fund the best joint research projects in social sciences. The scheme will provide funding for integrated projects by researchers coming from at least two of the four participating countries – in any combination of two to four countries. The partner organisations will conduct a co-ordinated peer review and a single common selection process. Funding will be distributed among the partners according to the place of work of the researchers, and generally according to the funding rules of each individual agency (with some exceptions detailed below).

Proposals may be submitted in any area of the social sciences. However the disciplinary coverage may vary according to the involvement of the national agencies. Applicants who are uncertain of whether their proposal would be eligible should contact the relevant national agencies for clarification.

There is a special opportunity for cooperation with projects in Japan: With the aim to strengthen cooperation between researchers in Japan and Europe, JSPS as the national funding organisation of Japan has established a funding scheme to support projects which are associated with ORA. For details see page of the call text at the ANR’s website (see Link above).

Please note that Franco-German bilateral projects will be funded under the ANR-DFG scheme for Social Sciences and Humanities and are therefore excluded from this call.

The overall success rates of the previous calls were as follows:

  • 1st call (2010): 12%
  • 2nd call (2011): 7%
  • 3rd call (2013): 8.5%

Submission of Project Proposals

ANR is the coordinating agency for this round. All applications must be submitted electronically via the ANR’s website (see Link above). There will be one single integrated proposal per project. Please note that any applications not submitted via this website cannot be considered.

Deadline for the submission of proposals: 15 January 2015 until 12.00 PM CET (midday) (11 AM GMT) - Only complete and timely submitted applications will be considered.


Germany, DFG:

France, ANR:

The Netherlands, NWO:

United Kingdom, ESRC:

Quelle: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Frankreich Vereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien) Niederlande Japan Themen: Förderung Geistes- und Sozialwiss.

Weitere Informationen
