David Willetts announces £48 million of new investment in biomedical research.
On 9 June 2014 David Willetts used his speech at Bournemouth University to announce £48 million of new investment in biomedical research. More than 70 cutting edge research projects have been chosen. They include a revolutionary blood test which can identify Alzheimer’s, a potential new gene therapy for Parkinson’s Disease, a new approach for treating cancerous tumours, and a wearable blanket providing light therapy for jaundiced new-borns or conditions such as psoriasis.
The theme of this year’s Universities Week focuses on how university research impacts on our everyday life. The week-long, nationwide event, will celebrate the important role university research plays in improving people’s lives.
Commenting after his speech, Universities and Science Minister David Willetts said: "The projects we are funding through the Biomedical Catalyst are testament to the depth and quality of our British research base. Investing in this research will not only help us to realise treatments that could have remained trapped in the laboratory; but it will ensure that the UK continues to lead the global race in research and development."
The UK life science industry is one of the world leaders; it is the third largest contributor to economic growth in the UK with more than 4,000 companies, employing around 160,000 people and with a total annual turnover of over £50 billion. Its success is key to future economic growth and our goal to rebalance the economy towards making new products and selling them to the world. Globally the industry is changing with more focus on collaboration, out-sourcing of research and earlier clinical trials with patients.
The Biomedical Catalyst is a scheme run jointly by the Medical Research Council and the UK’s innovation agency (the Technology Strategy Board), to find solutions to healthcare challenges. It supports the best life science opportunities in the UK to help speed up the transition from discovery science to commercial application.
Iain Gray, Chief Executive of the Technology Strategy Board said: "This round of funding is the latest in a series from the Biomedical Catalyst, which has been successful in not just supporting individual healthcare innovations, but also attracting additional investment from industry. The companies we’ve supported via these funding rounds have all developed innovations with the potential to transform healthcare approaches and achieve commercial success. We’re proud to be supporting them on that journey from healthcare concept through to availability in the marketplace."
Professor Sir John Savill, Chief Executive of the Medical Research Council said: "Since its inception, the Biomedical Catalyst has awarded over £170 million to UK scientists and businesses. This has been matched by an additional £97 million of private investment, with more likely to come as prospects are developed. The academic-industry partnerships forged through this investment will help to improve lives by delivering the next generation of innovative therapies and will help drive the UK economy."
Other innovations being developed will tackle issues around the treatment of cancerous tumours, atrial fibrillation, haemophilia, eye disease, blood-borne infections, chronic pain, rheumatoid arthritis, youth obesity, and Clostridium difficile.
Grant funding through the Biomedical Catalyst is available to academics and UK small and medium sized businesses looking to develop innovative solutions to healthcare challenges either individually or in collaboration. Support is available for projects arising from any sector or discipline.