StartseiteLänderMultilateralesEurekaEUROGIA+ Fifth call for project proposals opening on June 1st, 2010

EUROGIA+ Fifth call for project proposals opening on June 1st, 2010

Stichtag: 02.09.2010 Programmausschreibungen

EUROGIA+, the EUREKA Cluster for Low-Carbon Energy Technologies is extending an invitation to Europe’s high tech industry, small and medium sized enterprises as well as research institutes and academia to participate in its 5th Call for project proposals.

This 5th Call will open on June 1st, 2010 and addresses ALL technology domains described in the White Book.

Deadline for submitting Projects Outlines: September 2nd, 2010.

Based on a diligent evaluation and projects selection process, projects labelling is planned for the end of November 2010.

EUROGIA+ is the EUREKA Cluster for Energy, the program dedicated to developing Low-Carbon Energy Technologies for the whole energy mix, from fossil to renewable sources. EUROGIA+ proposes a systemic approach, inclusive of trans-sectoral R&D cooperation, to cope with the huge challenges the world is facing today:

  • energy demand’s continuous growth,
  • greenhouse gases emissions’ reduction
  • transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies while continuing the decarbonisation of the energy chain, and ultimately migrating towards the hydrogen economy.

As a EUREKA Cluster program, our approach is intergovernmental, bottom-up and industry-driven, which allows a project idea to attract funding from participating countries. 16 member countries in the EUREKA framework have committed financial support to EUROGIA+ labelled projects. EUROGIA+ is open to partners from large industrial companies, and SMEs, as well as research institutes and universities. Our projects involve at least two companies in two different countries – according to the EUREKA rules.

Call process
Our Calls for projects involve a two-step procedure with continuous involvement of the relevant national funding authorities. First, short Project Outlines (POs) are submitted – deadline: 2nd Sept. 2010. For POs approved, the next step is to submit a Full Project Proposal (FPP). These are evaluated and, if approved, given the EUROGIA+ – EUREKA-endorsed – label. Project participants can then apply for funding in their own countries.

For more information and guidelines for the preparation of project proposals are accessible on the EUROGIA+ web pages:

EUROGIA+ (Cluster for Low-Carbon Energy Technologies) is a labelled five-year EUREKA programme aiming at a Technological Leadership for a competitive European energy industry. It addresses the energy mix, i.e. all types of energy from O&G to renewable sources (except nuclear).

EUROGIA+ is a network of technology providers that encompasses all scientific and technology disciplines of relevance to energy. This variety leads to cross fertilisation between those sectors and in turn accelerates innovation. As a public/private R&D partnership, EUROGIA+ aims at accelerating investment in sustainable energy technologies.

Key Figures:

  • 17 Board Members: 11 LE, 6 SME, 5 countries
  • 16 Supporting Countries
  • 4 Calls completed
  • 40 International Experts
  • 20 Countries involved
  • 140 Partners
  • 45 POs
  • 19 FPPs
  • 14 Projects Labeled
  • Total budget: POs = 142 M€; labeled = 53 M€
Quelle: Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Eureka Themen: Netzwerke Energie Innovation Umwelt u. Nachhaltigkeit
