StartseiteLänderMultilateralesEurekaNorwegischer Forschungsrat zieht Bilanz zum EUREKA-Vorsitz

Norwegischer Forschungsrat zieht Bilanz zum EUREKA-Vorsitz

Im Juni wird der EUREKA-Vorstand neu besetzt werden. Vor Ende des norwegischen Vorsitzes führte der norwegische Forschungsrat das zweite Eurostar-Förderungsprogramm ein und entwickelte eine neue Plattform zum Strategieaustausch für Forschungsprogramme.

EUREKA: Norwegian chairmanship moving towards its end

A new organisation strategy and the launch of the new Eurostars Programme are among the merits of the Norwegian chairmanship of the European innovation organisation EUREKA which will come to an end in June.

"Leading the effort to develop the new strategy platform has been an interesting task. We have focused on an inclusive work form so as to activate all participants in the network, and have structured our activities with a "Nordic touch", including lots of brainstorming and group efforts. We are pleased that we will have completed the new strategy by the summer," says International Director at the Research Council of Norway Kristin Danielsen, who has been heading the Norwegian chairmanship team.

Platform for national research programmes

"The new strategy focuses on EUREKA as a platform for national research programmes seeking to collaborate internationally. We are also working to create a better framework for cooperation on industry-oriented research with the EU framework programme.

EUREKA is opening its doors to the rest of the world as well. The organisation already has two associated member countries outside Europe: South Korea and Canada. South Africa will also be officially granted Associated Country Status at the final conference of the Norwegian chairmanship, which will be held in Bergen in June.

Launching the Eurostar 2 programme

"One of EUREKA's core tasks is to operate the Eurostars Programme, which is co-funded by the EU. Eurostars 1 was a huge success. As a result, Eurostars 2 will be a much larger programme, " says Ms Danielsen. "The EU will boost its allocation from EUR 100 million to nearly EUR 290 million. This means that the member states as well will have to shoulder a much heavier financial obligation this time. "

"Establishing Eurostars 2 has been a fascinating and complicated political process. During the Norwegian chairmanship, we have worked very systematically vis-à-vis the EU member states and the EU institutions. We are pleased to have managed to gain approval for the third country partnerships, and to have secured a good financial framework to operate the programme properly in the years to come," notes Ms Danielsen.

Quelle: The Research Council of Norway Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Norwegen Eureka Themen: Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen Innovation

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