StartseiteLänderMultilateralesEuropäische Union (EU)Italien beteiligt sich am EU-Einheitspatent

Italien beteiligt sich am EU-Einheitspatent

Berichterstattung weltweit

Als 26. Staat partizipiert Italien an den Plänen der Europäischen Kommission, einen einheitlichen Patentschutz für Europa zu entwickeln. Mit Hilfe des Einheitspatents sollen Kosten reduziert, die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit gesteigert und die Innovationskraft europäischer KMUs und Start-Ups gestärkt werden.

Italy joins the unitary patent

Italy has joined the unitary patent and become the 26th member of the enhanced cooperation on unitary patent protection. This is a major breakthrough as Italy is the fourth biggest market in Europe in terms of patent validation.

This decision will make the unitary patent even more attractive for companies and inventors who will be able to use the single procedure for the registration of patents in all participating countries.

Thanks to the Unitary Patent, the gap between the cost of patent protection in Europe compared with the United States, Japan and other non-EU countries will be reduced.

Once in force, the unitary patent will be particularly important for Europe's innovative start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) aiming at operating cross-border. European companies opting for a unitary patent will directly obtain protection in all participating countries for their inventions.

The unitary patent will also bring benefits to Italian companies, who will save significant amounts of time and cost when applying for patents. Italy's move to join the unitary patent is part of the significant progress made in the past few months - together with the agreement on the cost of patent protection and the ratification of the Unitary Patent Court (UPC) by a number of EU countries - to make the unitary patent a reality.

So far 8 Member States have ratified the UPC: Austria, France, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Malta, Luxembourg and Portugal. The Commission is calling for a rapid agreement on technical issues. It calls also on all remaining participating EU countries to ratify the UPC Agreement as soon as possible so that the unitary patent package comes into force by the end of 2016.

Quelle: Europäische Kommission - Aktuelles Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: EU Italien Themen: Ethik, Recht, Gesellschaft Wirtschaft, Märkte

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