StartseiteLänderMultilateralesEuropäische Union (EU)European Service Innovation Centre: Artikelserie zu Dienstleistungsinnovationen in Europa

European Service Innovation Centre: Artikelserie zu Dienstleistungsinnovationen in Europa

Das bei der Generaldirektion für Unternehmen und Industrie angesiedelte European Service Innovation Centre (ESIC) der Europäischen Kommission hat am 9. Oktober mehrere Artikel zum Themenbereich Dienstleistungsinnovation veröffentlicht.

Transforming existing Manufacturing Industries through Service Innovation

A balanced and smart mix of manufacturing and service activities enables regions to establish strong, economic specialisations, to provide competitive product-service combinations and to constantly adapt their economies to new circumstances. The service-based transformation and revitalisation of mature manufacturing economies have to be based on a well-developed understanding of how services and service innovation can make manufacturing firms more competitive. It also requires joint action on the part of firms, academia and policy-makers that can be stimulated and supported by convincing examples to inspire such cooperation.

Integrating Service Innovation into Cluster Policies

A challenge for regional innovation policy is to create an enabling business environment in which entrepreneurially-minded individuals can explore and realise their ambitions. One effective mechanism that addresses innovation system linkages and aims to improve the business climate is cluster policy and its related cluster initiatives, which can explicitly embrace the concept of service innovation.

Transforming Regional Economies by boosting Innovation through emerging Service Industries

In regions where economic structures are dominated by service industries, it is often emerging service industries, which have the most potential to transform the regional economies. In order to promote such a regional economic transformation it is important to design policies which organise cross-sectoral learning and innovative interaction that involves the emerging service industries.

Messages from other EU initiatives that relate closely to Service Innovation

This article presents the main outcomes of the EU initiatives close to European Service Innovation Centre. Each of these three initiatives has briefly outlined the key issues that should be taken into account when designing future policies and practices for the regional, national and European levels.

Part 1 presents the European Mobile and Mobility Industries Alliance and the European Creative Industries Alliance.

Part 2 presents the Business Innovation Observatory, the European Cluster Observatory and the High Level Group on Business Services.

Quelle: European Service Innovation Centre Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: EU Themen: Dienstleistungsforschung Innovation Netzwerke Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen Wirtschaft, Märkte

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