StartseiteLänderMultilateralesEuropäische Union (EU)Strategische Allianz für jährliche Biobanken-Konferenz

Strategische Allianz für jährliche Biobanken-Konferenz

Internationalisierung Deutschlands, Bi-/Multilaterales

Zwei internationale Fachgesellschaften haben sich in einer gemeinsamen Absichtserklärung darauf geeinigt, künftig gemeinsam eine jährliche Biobanken-Konferenz zu organisieren. Ziel der Konferenz ist es Branchenakteuren eine gemeinsame Plattform zum fachlichen Austausch zu bieten, sowie Kooperationen im Bereich des „Biobanking“ und der Probenkonservierung für Forschung und Entwicklung anzuregen.

BBMRI-ERIC (Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure – European Research Infrastructure Consortium) and ESBB (The European, Middle Eastern and African Society for Biopreservation & Biobanking) formed a strategic alliance for the benefit of European biobanking efforts. Starting in 2016, the two organisations will jointly organize the most important annual biobanking conference in Europe and facilitate collaboration on activities related to biobanking and biopreservation of samples for research and development. This agreement emphasizes that biobanks are a European strength.

BMRI-ERIC is an international organization established under EU law, facilitating access to biological resources as well as biomedical facilities. Seventeen European Member States and one International Organisation (IARC) have joined forces in establishing BBMRI-ERIC.

ESBB is an association established under French law (Loi 1901) for people involved in the collection and storage of biological materials from all species. The society is focused on Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

As a part of strengthening overall collaboration in several complementary fields in biobanking between both organisations the purpose of this MoU is to define areas of collaboration between BBMRI-ERIC and ESBB, including 4 consecutive joint annual conferences from 2016 through to 2019.

Quelle: CORDIS - Nachrichten Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: EU Themen: Lebenswissenschaften Infrastruktur

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