ClusteriX Abschlusskonferenz

Zeitraum: 22.10.2014 Ort: Wien Land: Österreich

On 22 October 2014, the ClusteriX Final conference will take place in Vienna. This will be an information hub for Cluster policy makers, cluster managers and stakeholders.

Cross-sector collaboration of clusters has become a clear trend in the recent years - companies need to find new markets, new value chains and industries emerge, societal challenges require a cross-disciplinary approach. How can cluster policy support cross-sector collaboration? What role can public procurement for innovation or pre-commercial procurement play? Which cluster management tools proofed to be successful in enabling cross-disciplinary links.

The International Cluster Conference, 22 October 2014, in Vienna will be an information hub for Cluster policy makers and stakeholders to discuss:

  • New trends, challenges and visions for cluster policy
  • The role of clusters for regional smart specialization and open innovation adressing societal challenges and how to translate these into efficient policy measures (e.g. cluster mapping, strategic roadmaps, public procurement instruments)

And for Cluster managers:

  • To bring in a practical view on how to explore the potential of cross-sectorial innovation, how to identify and communicate the know-how and resources available in their cluster and find the right partners across sectors and borders
  • To meet and interact with each other in open communication arenas

The conference is organized in the framework of the INTERREG IVC project ClusteriX –  Cross-Linking Clusters for Innovation with the support of the INTERREG SEE project ClusterPoliSEE.

Quelle: Cross Innovation - Events Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: EU Österreich Themen: Netzwerke Innovation
