EU-India STI Cooperation Days

Zeitraum: 12.11.2014 - 13.11.2014 Ort: Chennai Land: Indien

The Fifth edition of the EU-India STI cooperation days will discuss ongoing and future cooperation and will set the scene for further fruitful initiatives in the energy field. The event aims at supporting the policy dialogue by creating new research and business networks on issues of priority interest for both regions, and at promoting funding opportunities offered by the EU and India for public and private organisations. The event is jointly organized by the INDIGO POLICY and INNO INDIGO projects ( and supported by European Commission and the European Business and Technology Centre, EBTC. Aim of the event is Networking. The involved target group are researchers and funders in the field of energy.


Hans Westphal
Telefon: +49 228 3821-1473
E-Mail: Hans.Westphal(at)

Quelle: Internationales Büro, Projektträger im DLR Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: EU Indien Themen: Energie Förderung

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