Location: Palazzo Assolombarda
Via Pantano 9
20122 Milan - (Italy)
The EU-US Days are taking place from 5 to 6 October in the framework of EXPO Milano 2015. This is just one of the events that the European Commission is organising dedicated to the central theme of the EXPO, 'Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life'.
The EU – US Days will include:
A session in the morning of 5 October where the Commission will present tools to promote the internationalisation of SMEs and business relations between the EU and the United States.
In the afternoon, business-to-business meetings and cluster-to-cluster meetings will take place. They will focus on the following food-related sectors:
- agro-food manufacturing
- food security
- safety and quality control
- food traceability
- food conservation and shelf life
- health biotechnology
- water technologies
- space applications for agriculture
- environmental management
- energy production
- renewable energies
- other topics relevant to the thematic focus of the brokerage event.
A visit to the exhibition is foreseen for some participants on the morning of 6 October.
The Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs is using the occasion of EXPO as an opportunity to boost European SMEs and facilitate their internationalisation by promoting a series of high-level events in Milan with non-EU countries.
The aim is to support the development and competitiveness of European companies and to facilitate their access to strategic markets.