The European Commission’s Directorate General for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs and the European Cluster Observatory team are pleased to invite you to register to the European Cluster Conference 2016. The conference will be held in Brussels on December 1st -2nd, 2016 at the Crowne Plaza Brussels, Le Palace Hotel.
The fifth edition of the European Cluster Conference will focus on the theme “Clusters 4.0: Shaping Smart Industries”, where you will have the opportunity to hear and discuss about the most recent trends and priorities for Cluster policies and cluster organisations supporting industrial modernisation. More information on the conference foci is included in the agenda and on the registration portal.
For whom?
The conference entrance will welcome 250 European cluster policy-makers, practitioners and other stakeholders. Entrance will only be possibly upon registration, and any registration will be subject to validation, as priority will be given to the target audience. A maximum of 2 representatives per organisation will be accepted.
How to register and find more information?
Link to the registration portal:
The draft agenda is available on the portal.
Registration will be possible until 17 November 2016, but please note that the conference is expected to be completely book already prior to this date. A practical information kit is provided online. Please note that a contact person is indicated on the registration portal for more information.
Matchmaking event
A pre-event cluster matchmaking is organised on Wednesday, 30th November 2016, Bozar, 11 rue Baron Horta, Brussels. It is organised by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform. Separate registration is provided at