The European Cluster Conference 2012, 18th to 20th of April, 2012, in Vienna/ Austria aims to pave the way towards 2020 by cooperation and excellence. The event is organized by Clusterland Upper Austria, Eco-Plus – a business agency of Lower Austria, MFG – Innovation Agency for ICT and Media and the Foundation Sophia Antipolis.
Conference Outline: The mix of key players in the innovation field makes the event innovative itself: Interactive formats of participation, such as brainwalks and world cafés, high profile speakers, a social dinner and numerous networking opportunities mark this exclusive event.
Participants are welcome to discuss how cluster policies should evolve in order to contribute to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. There will be a sectorial focus on GreenTech and Creative Industries.
Focus Group: European Cluster Managers and Policy Makers
The four-in-one event will be structured around these four topics:
1. Trends and learnings in Cluster Policies and Cluster Initiatives
The 2012 European Cluster Observatory Conference
2. All about quality indicators and training for cluster management
Final Conference – the European Cluster Excellence Initiative
3. Strengthen your network in Central Eastern Europe
European Cluster Collaboration Platform CEE Conference
4. Meet your cluster manager peers
European Cluster Managers’ Club Annual Event
For more information and registration visit the conference-website: