StartseiteLänderMultilateralesEuropäische Union (EU)Europäischer Expertenworkshop zu FuE-Schwerpunkten für intelligente Industriekomponetnen in Fabriken der Zukunft

Europäischer Expertenworkshop zu FuE-Schwerpunkten für intelligente Industriekomponetnen in Fabriken der Zukunft

Zeitraum: 13.10.2016 Ort: Brüssel Land: Belgien

Smart industrial components – characterized by capabilities such as connectivity and communication, monitoring-data analysis based self-adaptability, optimization and learning – are at the tools to enable Industrie 4.0, the digitalization of manufacturing processes. Such tools are being developed in extensive Research and Development and Innovation (R&D&I) activities on national and international level. Yet, the state of development and maturity is widely dispersed.

In the roadmapping "Workshop on R&D priorities and benchmarking of Smart Industrial Components from Fabrics of the Future (FoF) Projects" international experts from industry and academia, professionals form manufacturing and IT, representatives from associations, technology and business consultants will together map out the key research priorities in the area of smart industrial components and systems to feed back to the EC for future funding priorities. Also the prevalent non-technological and socio-economic aspects will be contemplated.

Goals of the day:

  • Presentation and benchmarking of specific FoF smart components cases (from Co-FACTOR Cluster)
  • Identification of R&D&I priorities for smart industrial components
  • Elucidation of non-technical, socio-economic issues and priorities about smart components

Target group:

  • Professionals in the area of digitalization of industrial processes
  • Representatives from related associations and platforms across Europe
  • Technology transfer, engineering and business development experts and consultants
  • Community members/agents of FoF, IoT, Industrie4.0, etc.

The workshop will be held on 13 October 2016 in Brussels, just before the FoF Info Day (on 14 October). If you’re interested in participating, please register by sending an e-mail to maeva.pratlong(at)

Participation is limited to 25 people on a first come first served basis.

Quelle: Die Europäische Kommission Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: EU Belgien Themen: Innovation Engineering und Produktion Förderung Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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