StartseiteLänderMultilateralesEuropäische Union (EU)INCO.NET mit dem Westlichen Balkan: Abschlusskonferenz und Kooperationsbörse

INCO.NET mit dem Westlichen Balkan: Abschlusskonferenz und Kooperationsbörse

Zeitraum: 27.03.2014 - 28.03.2014 Ort: Wien Land: Österreich

While the core focus of the conference will be primarily on Horizon 2020 and thus the collaboration in science between WBC and EU Member States under the new Programme, information on other on-going/up-coming activities in WBC – in particular focusing innovation issues – will be exchanged. The event will entail parallel sessions where results and lessons learned in previous collaboration will be presented so as to also merge the knowledge gained within several other projects and strategic approaches focusing on the region. A back-to-back BROKERAGE EVENT will be held in light of the Horizon 2020 intending to support the networking and cooperation in Horizon 2020 by focusing the calls in selected areas:

  • Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy
  • ICT
  • Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies.

The overall goal of the conference, project exhibition, and the Brokerage Event is to provide an environment also to build new partnerships for cooperation in Horizon 2020. Thus scientists, both from WBC and EU Member States are supported by e.g. travel costs, while e.g. research organisations or industry representatives are offered a platform for promoting dedicated projects or own innovative products in selected fields (promotion stands). This event intends to bring together about 200 science policymakers, scientists and industry representatives from the Western Balkan Region, SEE, Danube Region but also other EU countries who are interested in cooperation with WB countries.

Meeting selection for Brokerage has started

Meeting selection for the Brokerage Event on Thursday, March 27th, has started already. You are warmly invited to participate in the Brokerage Event, arrange meetings with potential partners and present your expertise.
Meeting selection for your meetings runs from March 7th - 23rd only.


Dr. Ulrike Kunze
Tel.: +49 (0) 30 67055 - 7981
E-Mail: Ulrike.Kunze(at)

Quelle: Internationales Büro, Projektträger im DLR Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: EU Österreich Albanien Bosnien und Herzegowina Kosovo Kroatien Republik Nordmazedonien Montenegro Serbien Themen: Förderung sonstiges / Querschnittsaktivitäten

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