StartseiteLänderMultilateralesEuropäische Union (EU)Informationsveranstaltung zur Horizont 2020: Gesellschaftliche Herausforderung 5

Informationsveranstaltung zur Horizont 2020: Gesellschaftliche Herausforderung 5

Zeitraum: 14.09.2016 Ort: Brüssel Land: Belgien

The brokerage event is organised by the EU-funded project NCPs CaRE in the framework of the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 5 Information Day. The Info Day will be held on the 14th of September in Brussels and it is organised by EASME – Executive Agency for SMEs.

The thematic focus of the brokerage event will mainly cover the H2020 Societal Challenge 5 Work Programme – 2017 calls for proposals.

Each year, during the Information Day, researchers, stakeholders, delegates of SMEs, industries, organisations, public administration and others are gathered to get the latest information on the upcoming calls for proposals. Among this vivid R&D community new research partnerships and further synergies are expected to emerge. The brokerage event aims to actively promote research partnerships and facilitate consortium building. Participants are invited to join the bilateral pre-arranged meetings and present their interests in certain topics, their expertise on specific matters and/or their project ideas to possible research partners.

The brokerage event is also supported by Enterprise Europe Network - Sector Group Environment.

Quelle: Die Europäische Kommission Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Belgien EU Themen: Förderung

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