The European Alliance for Subject-Specific and Professional Accreditation an Quality Assurance (EASPA) conference "Subject-Specific and Specialized Accreditation - Potential for Accreditation Agencies: Cooperation and Cross-Country Accreditation" (26 May 2014, Tallinn) is organized as a forum to discuss new ways for subject-specific and professional accreditation. Key note speaker from all world regions are invited to bring up to date information with regard to:
- Developments in the establishment of subject-specific accreditation in different subject areas and regions of the world
- New modes of collaboration – demonstrated by the example of the memorandum of understanding between EASPA and its US-counterpart ASPA
- Potential of cooperation in cross-national accreditation – a theme also linked to the INQAAHE Forum
- Opportunity for learning and exchanging good practice and establishing new links
The conference is open to members of national and international networks, quality assurance agencies, Higher Education Institutions, employers and students organizations and other actors in higher education. Participation in the EASPA Platform for Discussion is free of charge. Registration should be done on the EASPA Website by 01 May 2014.