StartseiteLänderMultilateralesEuropäische Union (EU)Konferenz zur Durchsetzung Geistiger Eigentumsrechte 2016

Konferenz zur Durchsetzung Geistiger Eigentumsrechte 2016

Zeitraum: 21.06.2016 Ort: Brüssel Land: Belgien

IPR Enforcement Conference 2016

The IPR Enforcement Conference will provide a forum to discuss the latest developments in the area of IPR enforcement following the announcements made in the Digital Single Market Strategy of May 2015 and the Single Market Strategy of October 2015, as well as the Copyright Communication of December 2015.

At this conference, key European and international decision makers, public representatives, enforcement agencies, multinational companies and other stakeholders will review the progress made and the next steps in setting up and applying ‘follow-the-money’ mechanisms, based on a self-regulatory approach, in view of disrupting IP infringing activities at the source and ensuring supply chain integrity.

An update will also be given on the expected outcome of the Commission's work on the modernisation of the legislative framework.

The programme features top-tier keynote speeches and presentations, as well as panels with key players on each of the different voluntary initiatives being developed at EU level.

Quelle: Europäische Kommission - Veranstaltungen Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: EU Belgien Themen: Ethik, Recht, Gesellschaft

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