Korea - EU conference on Research for Life-Long Health - Improving the Quality of Life of the Elderly
Objectives of the conference
- Present the projects that receive funding in the framework of the KORANET Pilot Joint Call to the KORANET partners, the funding institutions and the public.
- To network the funded projects so that they can learn from each other and build cooperations
- To present to the attending researchers other projects/initiatives in the area of Life-Long Health, e.g. the ERA-NET ERA-AGE or the Ambiant-Assistant Living Association (AAL) as well as information/funding opportunities in this area by the European Commission Conference target group
The conference is open for:
- Korean and European researchers active in the field of Life-Long Health ? Policy-makers and programme owners
- KORANET partners
- The interested public
Expected conference results
- Presentation of the projects funded in the frame of the KORANET Pilot Joint Call to the public
- Creation of new cooperations between researchers from Korea and European countries
- Feedback on the KORANET Pilot Joint Call and suggestions for possible areas of improvement (in a closed session)
- Information of researchers on other projects/funding opportunities in the area of Life-Long Health
Mikko Sllinen
E-Mail: mikko.sallinen(at)vtt.fi