StartseiteLänderMultilateralesEuropäische Union (EU)SEE-ERA.NET PLUS: Interim Monitoring Meeting

SEE-ERA.NET PLUS: Interim Monitoring Meeting

Zeitraum: 23.04.2012 - 24.04.2012 Ort: Wien Land: Österreich

Together with the coordinator of the FP7 funded project SEE-ERA.NET PLUS Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) the International Bureau of the BMBF at DLR organises this Interim Monitoring meeting in Vienna. The funded projects in the FP7 projects SEE-ERA.NET PLUS were selected in a two stage application process and since 2011 all 23 funded projects are implemented by the partners. A first progress report was received mid 2011 and give evidence of the excellent work in the projects. The funding is provided by partners from 14 countries and the European Commission. A careful monitoring should provide insight in the progress of the projects and the administrative processes. This ensures accountability of the projects in front of the funding partners from the countries involved and in front of the EC that contributes a share of the funding for the projects and management of SEE-ERA.NET PLUS. The Joint Call Secretariat established at the International Bureau of the BMBF at DLR administers the projects and keeps track of project implementation, the progress and the challenges encountered by the projects. Coordinators are invited to give during the meeting feedback on the administrative processes of the projects. Beyond the monitoring of progress matters concerning project management, the work in the partnerships and the support provided by the Joint Call secretariat will be discussed to allow learning for future joint calls of SEE-ERA.NET PLUS partners. A particular session is organized that provides room for the evolved questions and to clarify open administrative matters. Last but not least, this monitoring meeting will also offer plenty of opportunities for information exchange and networking among the 23 coordinators themselves, sharing experiences about coordinating a JERP.


Ralf HanatschekTel.:+49 228 3821-1482 

Quelle: Internationales Büro des BMBF Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: EU Themen: Information u. Kommunikation

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