StartseiteLänderMultilateralesEuropäische Union (EU)Triangle of Knowledge: Turkish, German and British Science and Technology Collaborations

Triangle of Knowledge: Turkish, German and British Science and Technology Collaborations

Zeitraum: 13.03.2012 Ort: Berlin Land: Deutschland

This event aims to celebrate and raise awareness of the Turkish contribution to science, innovation and research in Europe. As a candidate state, Research and Science is the only chapter of the EU accession to be completed.

Since joining the Framework Programmes, Turkey has been a prolific third country participant in EU research fora and approximately 147 Framework Programme collaborations have taken place involving TR-DE-UK participation.

The UK Foreign and Commenwealth Office has recently established a Science and Innovation Network in Turkey and signed the UK-Turkey Knowledge Partnership in 2011 to enhance science, research and innovation collaboration between the two countries. Germany also funds a large number of bi-lateral programs with Turkey.

Invited speakers will explore the opportunities and challenges which international and cross-European collaborations pose to the scientific communities and funding organisations, and outline the contributions Turkey has to offer. Keynote speakers will include Baroness Meral Hussein-Ece from the UK, Prof.Nihat Berker and Assoc.Prof.Murat Erdoğan from Turkey. There will also be opening remarks from the British Ambassador to Germany, Turkish Ambassador to Germany and Secretary General of the Alexandar von Humboldt Foundation.    
The event is organised in collaboration with the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the British Council and the Turkish Embassy in Berlin.

For a detailed programme of the event and free registration, please refer to:

Please avoid to bring large suitcases with you!


Heike Hammelehle,
Science & Innovation, British Embassy Berlin 
Phone: 0049 (0)30 20457 345
Email: heike.hammelehle(at)

Adresse: British Embassy Berlin Wilhelmstr. 70 10117 Berlin Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Deutschland Vereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien) Türkei EU Themen:
