Links/Institutionen: OECD
Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht ausgewählter Links/Institutionen zu den Aktivitäten der OECD in den Bereichen Bildung, Forschung und Innovation.
OECD: Datenbank mitgliedstaatliche Gremien
This database presents the bodies established by the Council in accordance with Article 9 of the Convention, together with such sub-committees, working parties, groups of experts, ad hoc groups, etc., as those bodies have, in their turn, set up to…
OECD: Datenbank Rechtsinstrumente
The Compendium of OECD Legal Instruments provides the text of all the legal instruments adopted in the framework of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), as well as related information including the list of OECD Members…
OECD: Deutschland – Kooperation und Länderinformationen
OECD Member countries engage with OECD experts, use OECD data and analysis to inform policy decisions, and play a key role in OECD country reviews, which are designed to encourage better performances.
OECD: Indien – Kooperation und Länderinformationen
The OECD works closely with some of the world’s largest economies: Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, and South Africa, who are OECD Key Partners. They participate in the OECD’s daily work, bringing useful perspectives and increasing the relevance of…
OECD: International Futures Programme
The IFP was created in 1990 to conduct foresight activities, by exploring potential emerging sectors or future domains of interest that could or should become of interest to OECD member economies. The IFP built on a long experience in…
OECD: Kooperation mit G20
At the invitation of each Presidency, key international organisations participate in G20 meetings to provide substantive inputs and enrich the discussion. The OECD has acted as a strategic advisor to the G20.
The OECD participates in all G20 Working…
OECD: Lateinamerika und Karibik – Kooperation und Länderinformation
For over 20 years, the OECD has been working closely with countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to facilitate policy dialogue and the dissemination of good practices in areas such as investment, education, inclusiveness, competition,…
OECD: MENA – Kooperation und Länderinformation zu Nahost und Nordafrika
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is a diverse region, affected by economic and political transformations, but with a potential for more and better growth. It benefits from a privileged geographic location with access to large markets; a young…
OECD: MSTI - Main Science and Technology Indicators
Diese zweimal im Jahr (März und September) aktualisierte Datenbank OECD Main Science and Technology Indicators (MSTI) enthält Daten zur wissenschaftlichen und technologischen Leistungsfähigkeit der OECD-Länder und von ausgewählten…