Im Rahmen von 12 definierten Projekten können Masterstudenten bis zu 5 Monate beim CSIRO in Australien arbeiten:
- BSEP01: CRISPR-Cas9 applications in human health
- BSEP02: Comparative analysis of CD4+ and CD8+ TCR repertoire by machine learning
- BSEP03: Linkage-directed prioritisation for disease variant detection
- BSEP04: Distribution of transponsable elements distributed in the Tiwi genomes
- BSEP05: Extending the CursedForest (a distributed random forest) framework for genomics
- BSEP06: Targeted eQTL Analysis of SNPs and expression markers for Alzheimer’s disease.
- BSEP07: Deep learning approaches to computational biology problems
- BSEP08: Genetically invariant genes as drug targets in pathogenic nematodes
- BSEP09: Detecting true genetic variation in polyploid crop genomes
- BSEP10: Web-based framework for genetic risk prediction
- BSEP11: An integrated database of on-target sequences of the CRISPR-Cas system for bread wheat
- BSEP12: Automated grading of diabetic retinopathy relying on deep learning
Weitere Informationen zum Programm und auch zu Fördermöglichkeiten finden Sie in der Broschüre weiter unten (Weitere Informationen - Zugeordnete Dateien).
Kontakt in Australien:
Dr. Denis Bauer
Teamleader Transformational Bioinformatics
Health and Biosecurity Unit
E-Mail: denis.bauer(at)