StartseiteLänderOzeanienAustralienCSIRO Flagship Collaboration Fund

CSIRO Flagship Collaboration Fund

Stichtag: 24.02.2012 Programmausschreibungen

The CSIRO National Research Flagships program addresses complex challenges by forming large scale multidisciplinary research partnerships.

The Flagship Collaboration Fund helps to facilitate wider research involvement by providing funding to engage external capability to address specific science problems, develop expertise and foster collaboration between CSIRO and it partners.

The Flagship Clusters are significant high impact activities and have involved 40 different Australian and international partners. They are funded for three years at A$1 million per annum with co-investment from partners.

Applications will be accepted from:

  •  eligible Australian and overseas higher education institutions
  • Cooperative Research Centres & not for profit research institutions
  • other Australian and international publicly funded research agencies.

Each Cluster must include at least one Australian university.
Applications close Friday 24th February 2012.

Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Australien Themen: Netzwerke Förderung
