StartseiteLänderOzeanienNeuseelandAsia-Pacific-Research Area Monitoring 2021: Chapter 3 - Scientific and technological activities in China from a regional perspective

Asia-Pacific-Research Area Monitoring 2021: Chapter 3 - Scientific and technological activities in China from a regional perspective

Erscheinungsdatum: 11.08.2021 Fachberichte und -studien Länderberichte und -studien

China is not a homogeneous mass, but consists of provinces that are quite independent in some areas and have very different performance profiles. In almost all areas of science and innovation, the provinces of Beijing, Jiangsu, Shanghai and Guangdong are the relevant locations, each of which can also compete on a global scale with most Western countries in terms of their research and industry indicators.

In its third chapter, the 2021 report on the monitoring of the Asian-Pacific Research Area, focuses on the identification of regional and institutional focal points of scientific and technological activities in China's provinces. Local governments and also individual city administrations play a central role in building local infrastructure and promoting strategic technologies and industries.

This is a courtesy translation from German into English of chapter 3 of the third Asia-Pacific-Research Area Monitoring report. The translation was created by the DLR-Projekträger using a licence of the software product DeepL. Errors are possible and are hereby apologized.

Quelle: International Bureau Redaktion: von DLR Projektträger Länder / Organisationen: China Indien Indonesien Japan Malaysia Philippinen Republik Korea (Südkorea) Singapur Thailand Deutschland EU Australien Neuseeland Themen: Bildung und Hochschulen Fachkräfte Grundlagenforschung Information u. Kommunikation Innovation Lebenswissenschaften Netzwerke sonstiges / Querschnittsaktivitäten Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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