StartseiteThemenCOVID-19-PandemieWeltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO): A coordinated Global Research Roadmap: 2019 Novel Coronavirus

Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO): A coordinated Global Research Roadmap: 2019 Novel Coronavirus

Erscheinungsdatum: 16.03.2020 Strategiedokumente

On 11-12 February 2020, WHO, in collaboration with the Global Research Collaboration for Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response (GLOPID-R) – an international network of funders to facilitate coordination and information sharing, organized a Global Forum on research and innovation for COVID-19 (‘Global Research Forum’).

The Scientific Advisory Group of the WHO R&D Blueprint met on 2 March 2020 to review the progress made since the Global Research Forum and to provide advice to WHO on additional prioritization of research actions for this outbreak. This document presents a Global Research Roadmap with immediate, mid-term and longer-term priorities to build a robust global research response on the basis of the deliberations during the Global Research Forum.

Goals of the Global Research Roadmap are:

  • To facilitate that those affected are promptly diagnosed and receive optimal care; while integrating innovation fully within each research area.
  • To support research priorities that will lead to the development of sustainable global research platforms that are prepared for the next disease X epidemic.
Quelle: Dokument Redaktion: von Sonja Bugdahn, DLR Projektträger Länder / Organisationen: Themen: Förderung Innovation Lebenswissenschaften Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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