StartseiteThemenDigitaler WandelLitauen: Nationale Strategie zu Künstlicher Intelligenz

Litauen: Nationale Strategie zu Künstlicher Intelligenz

Erscheinungsdatum: März 2019 Strategiedokumente

In March 2019, the Ministry of Economy and Innovation released the Lithuanian artificial intelligence strategy: a vision for the future. The strategy has been drafted by a working group consisting of representatives of the private sector, academia and governmental institutions and serves as a guiding document for all actors in the country. It provides an overview of the current AI landscape in Lithuania and a range of policy recommendations in key areas with the aim to:

  • Improving the skills and education in AI for all citizens;
  • Strengthening the national research and innovation ecosystem in the field of AI;
  • Increasing the deployment, development and use of AI in all economic activities, including both the private and public sector;
  • Promoting national and international collaborations in AI and enhancing network opportunities;
  • Developing an ethical and legal framework for a sustainable and transparent development of AI applications;
  • Establishing a responsible and efficient data ecosystem for AI.
Quelle: Lithuanian Ministry of Economy and Innovation; Knowledge4Policy Redaktion: von Hendrik Dellbrügge, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Litauen Themen: Information u. Kommunikation Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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