StartseiteThemenDigitaler WandelLuxemburg: Nationale Strategie zu Künstlicher Intelligenz

Luxemburg: Nationale Strategie zu Künstlicher Intelligenz

Erscheinungsdatum: Mai 2019 Strategiedokumente

In May 2019, the Government of Luxembourg published its national AI strategy, entitled Artificial intelligence: a strategic vision for Luxembourg. The strategy is part of a broader policy programme called Digital Luxembourg aiming at coordinating and strengthening Luxembourg’s efforts in the digital transformation towards the development of a solid digital society. The strategy acts as a vision paper outlining the ambitions in the field of AI and presenting strategic policy recommendations in key areas to achieve them. The policy vision of Luxembourg’s strategy is to support the development of a human-centric AI based on an efficient and sustainable data-driven ecosystem. It aims at positioning Luxembourg as a leading digital society in the world. To achieve these objectives, the strategy advances a range of policy recommendations in the following key areas:

  • Enhancing the skills and competencies in the field of AI and providing opportunities for lifelong learning;
  • Supporting research and development of AI, transforming Luxembourg in a living lab for applied AI;
  • Increasing public and private investments in AI and related technologies;
  • Fostering the adoption and use of AI in the public sector;
  • Strengthening opportunities for national and international networks and collaborations with strategic partners in AI;
  • Developing an ethical and regulatory framework, with particular attention for privacy regulation and security to ensure transparent and trustworthy AI development;
  • Unleashing the potential of the data economy, as a cornerstone of AI development.
Quelle: Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; Knowledge4Policy Redaktion: von Hendrik Dellbrügge, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Luxemburg Themen: Information u. Kommunikation Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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