StartseiteThemenDigitaler WandelTschechische Republik: Nationale Strategie zu Künstlicher Intelligenz

Tschechische Republik: Nationale Strategie zu Künstlicher Intelligenz

Erscheinungsdatum: Mai 2019 Strategiedokumente

In May 2019, the Czech Republic released its National AI strategy that builds on both the Innovation strategy 2019-2030 and the Digital Czech Republic strategy. The aim of this AI strategy is to improve the national economic growth and competitiveness in AI by means of:

  • a responsible and trusted AI ecosystem;
  • the digitalisation of enterprises, in particular SMEs;
  • equitable opportunities and benefits in AI to boost the economic development of society.

To achieve these objectives, the Czech Government envisages policy actions across key areas like education, R&D support, financing, industry, social impacts, regulation and international cooperation. The Ministry of Industry and Trade will coordinate the overall AI strategy, while the Ministry of competence will coordinate each specific key area.

Quelle: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic; Knowledge4Policy Redaktion: von Hendrik Dellbrügge, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Tschechische Republik Themen: Information u. Kommunikation Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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