StartseiteThemenOpen Education, Science & InnovationS4D4C Workshops zur Wissenschaftsdiplomatie – Aufruf für Bewerbungen

S4D4C Workshops zur Wissenschaftsdiplomatie – Aufruf für Bewerbungen

Stichtag: 20.06.2019 Sonstige Ausschreibungen

Im Rahmen des von Horizont 2020 geförderten S4D4C ("Science for/in diplomacy for addressing global challenges") Projekts suchen die The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) und die Diplomatische Akademie Wien - Vienna School of International Studies (DA) Kandidaten für die Teilnahme an zwei Workshops zur Wissenschaftsdiplomatie.

The workshops are designed for scientists, diplomats, policymakers, research institution administrators, representatives from NGOs as well as other applicants who are working at the interface of science, technology and foreign policy and pursue a career in science diplomacy. The interactive events aim at building the knowledge and the capacity skills of participants and seek to establish a community around science diplomacy that will grow beyond the workshops.

The first workshop takes place in Trieste, Italy, from 21-23 October, 2019 and is hosted by S4D4C partner TWAS – The World Academy of Sciences. It is followed by a second workshop taking place in Vienna from 25-27 November hosted by S4D4C partner DA – Vienna School of International Studies.

The application deadline for both workshops is 20 June 2019.

Workshop at TWAS, Trieste, 21-23, October 2019

Target group:    

  • Scientists; researchers
  • Diplomats; policymakers; public service officials
  • Nationals and/or residents of a European Union Member State+ Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Switzerland
  • Nationals of a partner country of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)
  • Proof of a career and/or research engagement with a link to the international policy-making arena with science-based themes

Ratio: 80 % scientists and researchers; 20 % diplomats, policymakers, public service officials

Online application form:

Workshop at the DA, Vienna, 25-27, November 2019

Target group:

  • Diplomats; policymakers; public service officials
  • Scientists; researchers
  • Nationals and/or residents of a European Union Member State+ Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Switzerland
  • Nationals of a partner country of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)
  • Proof of a career and/or research engagement with a link to the international policy-making arena with science-based themes

Ratio: 80 % diplomats, policymakers, public service officials; 20 % scientists and researchers

Online Application Form:

Quelle: S4D4C Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Italien Österreich Global Themen: sonstiges / Querschnittsaktivitäten

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