Inhalt dieser Ausgabe
Global / Multilateral
- OECD-Bericht zur Wirksamkeit von Bildungsreformen
- Final Report – Atlas of Islamic-World Science and Innovation
EU / Europa
- Neue Finanzhilfen zur Angleichung der Forschungsleistungen in Europa
- EU-Investitionsoffensive: Neuer Beratungsdienst von Kommission und EIB über Finanzinstrumente
- EU unterstützt 328 führende Nachwuchswissenschaftler mit 485 Millionen Euro
- Neuer europaweiter Rentenfonds soll Mobilität der Forschenden fördern
- Study on Assessing the Contribution of the Framework Programmes to the Development of Human Research Capacity
- Study on Assessing the Research Management Performance of Framework Programmes Projects
- Erfolgreicher Berufseinstieg für 90 % der Master
- Frankreich plant Bau von Atomreaktoren der vierten Generation
- Carnot-Institute: Positive Bilanz und Empfehlungen zur Verstetigung
- Fünf neue Initiativen zur Förderung der Elektromobilität in Frankreich
- Positive Bilanz bei Unternehmensausgründungen
- Government Unveils £ 6 Billion Package for UK Science and Innovation
- Minister Prepares the Ground for New Robotics Centre at Culham
- UK Space Industry Set to Rocket with over £ 200 Million of New Investment for Europe’s Space Programme
- Report: Internet of Things – Making the Most of the Second Digital Revolution
- UK Knowledge Landscape Tool Launches
- Agreement Between National Research Council and Regione Lazio to Encourage Enterprise Competitiveness and Innovation
- Global Health Innovative Technology (GHIT) Fund Launches Target Research Platform in Partnership with Grand Challenges
- Soft-Power Push from Japan Reaches US Campus
- Canada Apprentice Loan
- Government of Canada Supports over 75 Science and Engineering Research Team
- Investing in America’s Future Through R&D, Innovation, and STEM Education: The President’s FY 2016 Budget
- President Obama Announces New Manufacturing Innovation Hub in Tennessee
- U.S.-U.K. Digital Government Partnership
- Stem Cell Agency Board Approves $ 50 Million for CIRM 2.0
- NEH Announces $ 17.9 Million in Awards and Offers for 233 Humanities Projects
- Egypt Ponders Value of ICSU Membership
- China Takes over Lead from Europe in 2013 Photovoltaic Installations
- China Dangles Green Cards to Entice Foreign Science Talent
- Bigger Budgets and More Measures to Boost Norwegian Participation in EU Research
- Neues Finanzierungssystem für Forschung und Wissenschaft in Polen ab 2015
- Russian Universities Create a Single Center for International Student Recruitment
- Eurasia Foundation Launches US-Russia University Partnership Funding Initiative
- Statement on Open Access to Research Publications from South Africa’s National Research Foundation